Quick Resolution | No Fix No Fee |
399 kr.
399 kr.
299 kr.
Diagnoser i detaljer (forklarede enhedsproblemer) | 200 kr |
Udvidet bundkortdiagnose | 300 kr |
Clean & Processor køling Udskiftning af pasta | 400 kr |
Ren service; Væske beskadiget (kaffe, juice, suppe, drikke osv.) Hovedkort | 500 kr |
Nulstilling af Windows (hvis dit system kører meget langsomt, så det kan være en hjælp til at geninstallere operativsystemet) | 300 kr |
MS Office-pakke og antivirusinstallation | 300 kr |
Data Backup fra harddisk med et specielt værktøj | 400 kr |
Hukommelse PC3-installation afhænger af RAM-størrelse (pris fra 4 GB 300 kr - 8 GB 500 kr) | 300 kr |
Hukommelse PC4-installation afhænger af RAM-størrelse (pris fra 4 GB 400 kr - 8 GB 800 kr) | 400 kr |
SSD-installation afhænger af lagerstørrelse (pris starter fra 400 kr - 2000kr) | 300 kr |
Screen size: 15.6” (Diagonal Viewable Area)
Resolution: 1366 x 768 - HD
Connector type: 40-30 Pin, Bottom
Backlight type: LED
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Compitable: Screen with any model
Type: LCD Panels
Price included moms & Service
Screen size: 15.6” (Diagonal Viewable Area)
Resolution: 1920×1080 FHD
Connector type: 40-30 Pin, Bottom
Backlight type: LED
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Compitable: Screen with any model
Type: LED Panels
Price included moms & Service
Screen size: 14” (Diagonal Viewable Area)
Resolution: 1366 x 768 - HD
Connector type: 40-30 Pin, Bottom
Backlight type: LED
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Compitable: Screen with any model
Type: LED frame
Price included moms & Service
Screen size: 14” (Diagonal Viewable Area)
Resolution: 1920 x 1080 - FHD
Connector type: 40-30 Pin, Bottom
Backlight type: LED
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Compitable: Screen with any model
Type: LED
Price included moms & Service
Screen size: 13.5” (Diagonal Viewable Area)
Resolution: 1366 x 768 * HD
Connector type: 40-30 Pin, Bottom
Backlight type: LED
Compitable: Screen with any model
Type: LED
Price included moms & Service
Screen size: 13.5” (Diagonal Viewable Area)
Resolution: 1920 x 1080 FHD
Connector type: 40-30 Pin, Bottom
Backlight type: LED
Compitable: Screen with any model
Type: LED
Price included moms & Service
Screen size: 12.5” (Diagonal Viewable Area)
Resolution: 1920 x 1080 HD
Connector type: 40-30 Pin, Bottom
Backlight type: LED
Aspect Ratio: 16:9
Compitable: Screen with any model
Price included moms & Service
Additional Services
If your are looking for more help with your computer / Laptop ? Check out the other ways we can help you below at any problem related to your PC.
Has your computer / Laptop been slowing down even though you have kept up with driver & Operating System ( windows and IOS ) updates? Do your software taking long time to open and try to search gives you that annoying spinning wheel or hourglass?
Has your router been slowing down or new wriress router to connect everyone in your office or at your home to the internet or new wireless router to install, call us to get it set-up. We can you update the firmware of your router or install using different tools to make fast.
Quick Resolution | No Fix No Fee |
Er du mistænksom over for, at din computer ikke fungerer fint? Vi, hos ITSMARTSOLUTIONS, leverer professionel computerreparationsservice på vores kontor og desuden ved at sende en tekniker på din dør, hvilket sparer dig fra at afkoble computere som desktop eller spilsystem eller tage det fysisk til vores kontor og vente på din serviceperson.
Vi hjælper dig med at optimere ydeevnen (kontrollere effektivitets- og hastighedsfejl) på dit computersystem ved at fjerne vira, malware, spyware og unødvendige programmer og filer. Vi hjælper dig også med at gendanne mistede data og nemt tage backup af data med vores team af professionelle (ved hjælp af hardware- og softwareværktøjer), og det også til en meget rimelig pris.
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